Telling Stories is a round-the-table workshop where storytelling the breadth and depth of storytelling is explored with a view to sharing your stories.
Who and where?
*This workshop works best in-person at your premises, but we can provide a space either on or offline if necessary.
Telling your organisations story
Every organisation has a narrative that it has developed over time. But is your organisation's story about its passion and vision? Or is it another description of products and services?
In this workshop we look at how to connect to your audience at an emotional level through storytelling.
Course Contents
Telling stories is a workshop where you and your colleagues can explore who should hear your corporate stories and the ways to share them. Away from the demands of your business, learn about sharing stories and their place in your business - and how you can use them to share your vision and passion.
Four sessions over two days provide a space for learning and discussion and the opportunity to add a new tool to your business strategy
Session 1
Your core story - are you ready to share?
By now you will have your core story. In this session we look at any problems or concerns around sharing your core story - and address them. You need to advertise your products or services - but are simply listing them and their features? We look at the finding the passion and vison and weaving it through your organisation's story.
Sessions 2
Your audience - what and how THEY want to hear (and not what you want to tell them)
Many organisations become insular when they want to share their message, You know your service or product. You know your message. But do you know how and what your audience want to hear? In this session we look at your audience's needs and wants.
Session 3
Video killed the radio star - or did it? Different ways to get your story out there...
Are there specific ways that you have identified to share your message? In this session we take a deep dive into all the possibilities for sharing your message Some you may already do and can improve, and some may be out of your comfort zone. Here we will brainstorm the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Session 4
Losing the plot and finding the plot - a strategy for sharing your story
It's finally time to share your story. This is the scary part. You are bearing your story-soul to the corporate world, emotion, passion, vision, feelings and all. Putting something new and different out there is not for the faint-hearted, and you need a strategy that will keep you on plot. We take a look at some well-known corporate messages that were groundbreaking, and explore ideas around how you can make your organisation stand out with storytelling.
Throughout this workshop we will work with examples provided by you to troubleshoot and develop. Telling Stories is a safe space to discuss your concerns about taking risks with your storytelling and sharing our new story with the world.
Storytelling will help you to connect with your audience, but only if you are confident in your organisation's story. Let's talk it out!
Uncover the power of storytelling and unlock transformation with your blueprint for change.
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