Find your
core story
Find Your Core Story is a round-the-table workshop where the elements of your organisations core story is explored. The aims of the workshop is to identify all the storied elements of your corporate identity and/or change journey and to collect and assemble them into your core story.
Who and where?
*This workshop works best in-person at your premises, but we can provide a space either on or offline if necessary.
Find your organisations core story
How much do you care about your organisation? Is that clear in your messaging?
Many companies have lost their passion to business speak and technical jargon. Yet your audience and clients are looking for an organisation they can resonate with - and trust.
Find Your Core Story draws out the emotion and passion in your corporate story, and you will learn how to understand story structure and how to build your core narrative.
Course Contents
Find Your Core Story is a workshop where you and your colleagues can really understand the resonance of your corporate story. Away from the demands of your business, learn about core stories and their place in your business - and how you can use them to change and influence.
Six sessions over two days provide a space for learning and discussion and the opportunity to add a new tool to your business strategy
Session 1
What’s the current story?
In this session you will look at your current story positioning as a starting point.
Sessions 2
The story - story elements
Stories are an essential part of how we communicate - but what are they? This session looks at all the elements that we need to consider in storytelling.
Session 3
Understanding change – change elements
Every story has a change arc. It's what makes it different from a list! Here we look at how change maps onto storytelling and how you can use stories to dig deeper into your change journey
Session 4
It’s how you tell them – tone and meaning
In this session we will look at tone, tense and psychic distance in stories. We will work with a story you supply to understand different ways of telling and how the tone can change the meaning is different contexts.
Session 5
Writing your core story
Your core story is not your final messaging. It is the heart of your story that has consistency, meaning and emotional depth. In this session we will write the first draft of your core story.
Session 6
Applying your core story
In this final session we look at how you might apply your core story. This will be different for every sitiuation and we will brain storm the possible to the extraordinary, before evaluating how far you have come from the story positioning in session 1.
Throughout the workshop we will work with bespoke stories for your business and by the end of the workshop you will understand more about finding your core story, storytelling, and its application.
We can't wait to find your core story with you!
Uncover the power of storytelling and unlock transformation with your blueprint for change.
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